What is #startupsupermodel?

There was a 4 week period about 2 years ago where all I did was get my picture taken. I had taken up a bunch of new projects - including my first venture as a featured speaker with Supernova Tribe . It seemed that every project needed a headshot so I had about 6 photos shoots in just under a month. It was pretty crazy when I think about it now. 

IT's weird. I really hate the way I look in photos, but I sure do love the process of getting my photo taken. I have never been in a photo session I haven't liked. There are almost no candid picture of me as a kid - I was too quick to cock my head to the side and smile or make a face. Since I could remember, that has been my go-to picture pose. Head to the side, big smile! I like the sounds of the shutter on the camera clicking. I am equal parts vain and obedient, so a photographer giving me instructions is a dream scenario for me.The pageantry of getting my makeup done and picking out what to wear left me tingled with joy for days. 

Actual supermodels being super at the 2017 Versace show. 

Actual supermodels being super at the 2017 Versace show. 


I was getting ready to leave for one of these photo shoot days when Steven caught me looking in the mirror a little too long. "Are you getting your picture taken today?", he asked. "Yep!" , I said (probably beaming). "You're turning into quite the supermodel!" "Startup supermodel, maybe." And #startupsupermodel was born. 


Let's be clear - i obviously don't think I'm a supermodel, or even photogenic for that matter. But I do enjoy the process - and I don't only mean the process of getting my picture taken. I enjoy the process of vanity - makeup and clothes and fussing over what lipstick goes with what bag is fun. I understand that it's not fun for everybody and that some people even find it silly. But it's fun for me. I have taken to hashtagging posts on social media with #startupsupermodel whenever I upload a picture about fashion, or makeup or something fun I'm wearing that day. I'm not bragging or boasting or making a point. I'm just having fun with things that are fun to me. 

Most of my #startupsupermodel stuff lives on Instagram. I have shared in on the sidebar here in case anyone wants to follow along. I have decided to use #startupsupermodel as the tag for my Curated Closet journey simply because it was a hashtag I was already using - but also because it will allow me to visually track my progress. 

So now that we have more clarity on what #startupsupermodel is - let's get started.... 
