The Brigadeiro Recipe | sweet party favours!

Homemade brigadeiros

Homemade brigadeiros

Brigadeiros are my favourite homemade treat. They are super fun - and oddly relaxing - to make. You can whip up a batch of around 50 or so in less than half an hour and they keep in the fridge for up to 5 days.


  • a can of sweetened condensed milk 
  • your favourite cocoa powder. (I like Vittoria Chocochino drinking chocolate)
  • 2 tbsp of butter 
  • pinch of salt 
  • sprinkles or your favourite nuts (crushed)
  • olive olive spray (optional) 

What's you'll need

  • a medium sauce pan (preferably non-stick)
  • a wooden spoon or spatula 
  • baking paper
  • a medium bowl 
  • mini cupcake liners (optional)

How to make them: 

  1. Melt the butter in the sauce pan over medium heat.
  2. Pour in the condensed milk over the butter, mixing it gently using a wooden spoon. 
  3. Keep stirring until it is completely combined. 
  4. Pour in the powder chocolate in small batches. You'll have to do this to taste. I like my brigadeiros very chocolatey and creamy, so I end up pouring in half the container! 
  5. Keep stirring for about 10 to fifteen minutes. You'll know when it's one once the mixture has reduced to about 2/3 of its original mass and it has semi-solidfied. The secret is to keep stirring until you can see a clean surface under the mixture as you stir. It's completely normal for the mixture to bubble a bit as you stir. 
  6. Line a bowl with baking paper and spray olive oil on it. If you are in the hurry, prep two bowls!
  7. Pour the hot mixture on the bowl slowly, making sure nothing spills over. It should be shiny and gooey, but not overly runny.
  8. If you have prepped two bowls, split the mixture over both of them. This will help cool the mixture faster! 
  9. Wait 5 minutes, or until the mixture is cool enough to touch. Transfer to the freezer for another 10 minutes. 
  10. Once the mixture is cool enough, you can start rolling! Bring out the cupcake liners and the sprinkles! Using your hands, form 1 cm (or about half a tsp) balls and roll them over the sprinkles. To avoid getting sticky hands, use the olive oil spray between balls! 

And that's it! You can pop them in the cupcake liners if you're feeling super fancy or you can just pop them on a nice plate to serve. The more you make them, the easier they get to make! 

Happy baking !
