Photo by Tristan Velazco from A Cheeky Hello (Supernova Tribe) Download hi res headshot here


  • Expert Profile: Organisational designer. Culture transformation. Brand & Belonging. Experimentation and lean startup methodology. Storytelling .

  • Current challenge: designing frameworks for balanced teams at scale and with global reach.

  • Personal Experiment: roasting chickens and at-home ballet.

  • Learning & Growth: “The Infinite Game” by Simon Sinek. “This is Marketing” by Seth Godin.

  • Creative outlets: writing and designing learning experiences.

  • Resilience & Recharging: I’m a turner-offer. I like to enjoy time alone to recharge and focus.

  • For fun: I entertain quite a bit at home. We're also aspiring dog owners...

  • Fictional role models: Clare Huxtable, Murphy Brown. Fran Fine. Regina George.


Claudia specialises in taking companies through change, setting up people-centred frameworks, and making sure they come out stronger on the other end.

A Pollenizer alumni, Claudia Barriga-Larriviere is a surgeon when it comes to startup strategy and getting the right team in the growth stages of a business. She is a talent intelligence and change management expert, working closely with startup founders to setup a human-centric culture right from the start. Named one of Sydney’s top ten startup mentors, Claudia is a growth advisor with a passion for innovative collaboration.

As the Entrepreneur-In-Residence at the ABC, she has introduced and managed the Experimental Learning Program - which included participants from the Technology divisions and university students. The project relied heavily on experiential learning and personal development as the ABC moves into leaner, more agile methodologies. The biggest focus has been introducing the ABC to the broader Australian innovation ecosystem through Claudia’s extensive network. Claudia also lead the implementation of innovation outposts across the News and Technology division.

As of 2016, Claudia is BlueChilli’s Head of People, fondly referred to as the Flamingo-in-Residence. She has been busy working on diversity initiatives, lean startup training practices and making moves to make Australia a global innovation talent destination. As BlueChilli expands globally, her role is centred around global talent acquisition, creating a collaborative learning environment and employer brand strategy.

Claudia joined AMP in 2020 to setup their Employer Brand & Belonging function, where she currently leads a team of four. Her remit is to enable people inside and outside of AMP to discover new, meaningful and exciting career opportunities, while ensuring that everyone has equal access to their opportunities. She is a key advisor to the the Talent team on balanced team, diverse hiring and inclusive recruitment practices.

Claudia was an innovation columnist for the Startup Daily and is a featured speaker. She has also recently wrote for the Collective Hub focusing on the human side of innovation, career development and entrepreneurship.

Talk to her about collaborative innovation, building balanced teams and creating a culture of belonging